Efficacy Of Polio Vaccine In Religious, Social And Political Perspectives


  • Sumaira Bibi
  • Dr. Asiya Bibi
  • Dr. Usma Anser


Revivalism, Preventive Measures, Contagious disease, Progressive, Imbued


Adaptation is the essence of a progressive civilization, a cursory glance over the Muslim world, can easily give an idea, that the masses in general are very religious, and their outlook about the social, political and health affairs of the community is deeply imbued with Quranic perceptions and the ideals which the Holy Prophet has left as permanent spiritual and moral legacy for His followers. The crucial question before the World of Islam today is, how to create harmony between conventional way of preventive treatment and the Islamic way of preventions as according to the light of Quran and Sunnah. There is a widespread revivalism of religious fundamentalism in every Muslim country, and also there is a growing urge among the masses to incorporate Islam at every sphere of life especially in case of health and the adaptation of preventive measures against contagious diseases




How to Cite

Sumaira Bibi, Dr. Asiya Bibi, & Dr. Usma Anser. (2023). Efficacy Of Polio Vaccine In Religious, Social And Political Perspectives. Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 3215–3228. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/6774


