Application Of Neuromarketing Techniques In Fmcg Products Advertising


  • K.Maran
  • Moonisha. K
  • Dinesh S.Patel
  • Maran Mari Muthu
  • V.Anbazhagan


Neuro marketing a scientific technique which emerged due to successive failures of traditional marketing research. It has a wider acceptance among the market researchers with respect to FMCG products in the recent years. Neuro marketing techniques makes use
of various types of tools to understand the human brain and how mind influences our purchase intentions. This article introduces to the reader about the emerging field of neuro marketing in FMCG advertisements, and then it discusses the various types of tools used in neuro marketing research. It then gives an overview of Implicit Association Test one of the neuro maketing tools in advertising of FMCG products. To come to relevant conclusions it is analyzed how far the neuro marketing tools support the marketing managers in advertising FMCG products.




How to Cite

K.Maran, Moonisha. K, Dinesh S.Patel, Maran Mari Muthu, & V.Anbazhagan. (2023). Application Of Neuromarketing Techniques In Fmcg Products Advertising. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 2058–2065. Retrieved from


