A Novel Experience Of Online Education In Public Sector Universities: Challenges And Lessons Learnt From Pakistan
COVID-19, online education, students reluctance, teachers readiness, equitable online educationAbstract
Online education in public sector universities in Pakistan is a new experience amid COVID-19. This paper explores the experiences of students and teachers – who faced pandemic for the first time in their lives and experienced online education through qualitative research approach. It is explored that neither students nor teachers were ready for online education as it had never been part of the
education system. The pandemic posed many challenges to everyone who was involved in education but mainly students and teachers. Students and teachers reluctance and preparedness is discussed throughout the article. It is found that with the assistance and training can help students and teachers to overcome anxiety, stress and depression due to COVID-19 and online education.
However, a clear vision, complete planning and sustainable solutions needs to be developed for an equitable online education provision