Development on educational management and cultural integration of pesantren based school in Indonesia context
Educational Management, Cultural Integration, Pesantren Based School.Abstract
This research aims to explore the trial implementation of education management in Pesantren Based Junior High Schools (PB-JHS); and to describe the integration of pesantren culture into the education management process. The research focuses on several pesantren in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi), Indonesia. The informants are Kyai, Ustadz, Headmaster, Teacher,
Librarian, front officer, and laboratory assistant. For data analysis, the author adopted a qualitative ethnography approach in which the data is gained by interactive and sustainable process. The findings show that the cultural integration of pesantren is in the development of Islamic education management implementation and teaching-learning processes. The implementation of educational management is appropriate with all of Indonesia national education standard; and the pesantren culture is integrated
into every scope of management innovatively to create human resources who have knowledge, piety, and have special character based on fluency of qur’anic and Arabic-Classical reading.