Ethics in research including young children: Views and experiences of researchers


  • Çağla Öneren Şendil
  • Sema Sönmez


Early childhood education, ethical principles, ethical dilemmas, child participation, phenomenology


Involving young children in research is noteworthy since it ensures to understand their world and values their existence through making experiences and views of children evident. Ethical considerations in research including children have some core principles namely justice, beneficence and non-maleficence, and respect. Through putting those principles and guides into the center, current
research made effort to determine views and experiences of researchers concerning the ethical issues/dilemmas in research involving preschool aged children. 15 researchers who conducted at least one study with preschool aged children were reached through criterion sampling. Findings revealed some considerations in harms and benefits, informed consent, privacy, confidentiality and payment related issues in the research including young children. Although the fact that all research should consider ethical issues as a prerequisite for studying with human subjects, there should be some more considerations to conduct research with young children.




How to Cite

Çağla Öneren Şendil, & Sema Sönmez. (2023). Ethics in research including young children: Views and experiences of researchers . Elementary Education Online, 19(1), 87–99. Retrieved from


