A Study On Why Portfolio Evaluation Is Important For Investment Decision?


  • Arun Vishwakarma
  • Smita Mangesh Junnarkar
  • Manali D Naik and Krishnakant Pandey


Diversify, perception, strategies, current investor, portfolio evaluation


This research aims are to understand why portfolio evaluation is important for making
investment decision, how deep they generally go for selecting particular company for
investment and how portfolio evaluation helped them for taking right decision which
alternatively comes into expected profit. The primary data which is collected through
questionnaire shows different thoughts of every investor and how they diversify their
portfolio. The recommendations help in improving the knowledge of the current investor as
well as beginners who wanted to invest and providing information the concept of portfolio
investment so that they can make investment related decision. Findings helped to know the
limitations where questionnaire reached to limited people and perception of different
people towards investment




How to Cite

Arun Vishwakarma, Smita Mangesh Junnarkar, & Manali D Naik and Krishnakant Pandey. (2023). A Study On Why Portfolio Evaluation Is Important For Investment Decision?. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 7340–7348. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/7048


