Social Maturity Of Adolescents About Their Home Environment


  • Harwinder Kaur
  • Dr. Navneet Chopra


Social Maturity, Home Environment, Adolescents.


Education is the act of learning things around us. Education is the first and foremost rights
of every human being. Education helps a person in nourishing his present and future by
ensuring his aim in life. Social maturity attained in a natural setting or artificial setting is
prompted by the efforts of a well-trained teacher working in these institutions. She
imparts knowledge about society, its rules, and norms to the students which are helpful
for students to solve their social problems. A socially mature teacher becomes self-reliant
in the sense that he develops self-direction of effort and learns efficiency to use his time,
control his emotions, develops a sense to deal with the different people in society, develop
gentle personal relationships, acquire the quality of adjustment, co-operation, sacrifice,
independence, etc. He develops the ability to make judgments, and decisions and take
proper actions when faced with a problem and critical issues. Thus, more the socially
mature the teacher is more will be the more social maturity among students, and the
more mature will be society and the nation. Home is the first and the closest environment
for a child to come in contact with. The family the fundamental unit of human society lays
the background for the inculcation of values and is the most, significant place for the
development of the child. Along with it, the family also contributes to the important task
of creating wholesome individuals. The child receives the first lesson of life at home. The
family nurtures the individual and prepares him for his role and function in society.
Consciously, or unconsciously the home environment molds the behavior, personality,
attitude, level of aspiration, aptitude, and self-esteem of the child. An adolescent
personality is affected constructively or adversely by the impact upon his potential by the
people with whom he is surrounded. The adolescents’ interaction with the social milieu
might seem to be repetitious. For this task, an adolescent faces some problems which are
mainly brought about by both personal and environmental factors. Adolescents have to
face the problems which are brought about by environmental factors like school
atmosphere, family atmosphere, peer group relationships, gang influence, etc. The
unhealthy atmosphere of one’s family, school, and the poor peer group relationship cast
a bad influence on the social behavior of adolescents. The most marked and important
development appears in his relationship with the members of the opposite sex. In
childhood, boys play with boys and girls with girls. While in adolescence there is a heterosexual trend in companionship. The adolescent boys and girls form a group based
on their common interests and goals. The child’s social adaptations are gradually
achieved through continuously changing stages in the progress toward social maturity
and home environment.




How to Cite

Harwinder Kaur, & Dr. Navneet Chopra. (2023). Social Maturity Of Adolescents About Their Home Environment. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 7700–7716. Retrieved from


