Numerical Literacy Ability In Learning Mathematics Based On 21st Century Skills In Primary School
21st-century skills, abilities, numerical literacy, mathematics.Abstract
The general objective of this research is to create the model of mathematics teaching materials in a primary school in the 21st-century skills-based. The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of mathematical numerical literacy abilities in primary school students, including 1) solving problems, 2) analyzing information, and 3) interpreting the results of the analysis. This research as a whole was a research and development study. The type of this research was ethnographic qualitative research. The study was conducted at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ngadirejo 1 Kartasura Sukoharjo, Central Java, in the academic year of 2019/2020. The data collection techniques utilized in this study were participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. The data validation was completed by triangulating sources and time. The data analysis technique was done inductively. The results of the study regarding the profile of
mathematical numerical ability literacy can be grouped into three, namely 1) Solving problems related to formulating problems, developing strategies, and questions-answers has already entrenched. 2) Analyzing information related to thinking and reasoning logically, observing sources, and using various methods still required to be cultivated. 3) Interpreting the results of the analysis related to determining the outcome of decisions and interactions with others still required to be accustomed to