Relationship between job satisfaction and aspects of life: A case study of teachers in Balochistan, Pakistan
Teachers, Job satisfaction, Aspect of life, BalochistanAbstract
The comparison between private sector and government sector job is an ongoing debate. Job satisfaction, regardless of the sector, is considered important for the development of professional excellence. Job satisfaction is defined as a person’s behavior towards their employment and plays an essential role in life satisfaction. There are two main objectives of this study. The primary objective of this study is to determine if job satisfaction is correlated with life satisfaction or not? Secondly, to determine teachers’ job satisfaction similarities or otherwise, between government and private sectors. The Mann Whiteny independent sample test and Spearman correlation analysis were applied to the data. The results of this study depict that job satisfaction is not same in government and private sectors. Results also reveal that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and satisfaction about life.