The Orientalist Discourse's Perception Of The East And Orientals
Discourse, orientalism, the eastAbstract
The study examines the Orientalist discourse, its impact on Western people's thoughts, its goals, and how to study it, with reference to studies conducted before and after the publication of Edward Said's book Orientalism in (1978 AD), and it concludes that the Orientalist discourse drew a highly negative stereotype of people affected by colonialism. The speech succeeded in depriving
them of the slightest positive quality, distant from what is portrayed by reality, and this is the image that sought stability in Westerners' minds for reasons described in the research, and the speech succeeded in achieving this.Even if it was only a little, the research revealed a positive side to oriental studies. When it came to the image of the West within eastern discourse, it was also a
negative stereotype that did not represent all that Westerners possessed in fact.