Implicitation in Pakistani Novel: An Analysis of English Target Text ‘Hollow Pursuits’ and Urdu Source Text ‘LaHasil’
implicitation analysis, Corpus-based research on Implicitation, implicit grammatical shifts. Explicitation and implicitationAbstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the implicitation shifts in English translated novel “Hollow
pursuits” as compared to the originally written Urdu novel “LaHasil”. The research aims to focus on the
implicitation occurrences in the translated text and their impact on the translation meaning and context.
The other purpose of this research is to examine how implicitationimpacts the overall quality of the
English source Text (ST) as compared to the Urdu target text (TT). To analyze implicitation in the English
TT aframework of categorization given by Klaudy (2009) is undertaken. Corpus-based andmanual
reading of data is used as a methodology to conduct the analysis. The findings of the research described
that in Urdu-English translation direction the levels of implicitation could not be followed properly which
could make the TT balanced. The translator intended to optionally shift the language more in translated
text as compared to the ST