The Cinematic Representation OfGender Mapping Femininity And Masculinity In Hindi Films, Some Historical, Psychological, Philosophical Perspectives Of Indian Cinema
Masculinity, Femininity, Commercial CinemaAbstract
My Research Compares and Contrasts the Portrayals of Masculinity and Femininity in Hindi Films A Few Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future of Indian Cinema from the Perspectives of History, Psychology and Philosophy Women in Indian film have taken
a stand against the discriminatory treatment they receive in the industry. The central focus of cinema content studies is the examination of how films depict issues that are important to women. Cinema Parallel puts on shows that are thought-provoking, artistic, and largely geared toward affluent audiences. The other type of film, known as "intermediate cinema," is a hybrid of "commercial cinema" and "parallel cinema" that is made with the intention of appealing to the general population. In this investigation, both types of movies are dissected and put through side-by-side comparisons.