Majority Voting -Based Detection And Analysis Of Chest X-Ray Images For COVID-19 And Other Infectious Diseases Using Classifiers


  • Pratibha Sambhakar
  • Apurv Verma
  • Dr. Abhishek Badholia


Most difficult challenge across our planet is novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19). This infection is induced by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-COV-2) & has a substantial sickness and death rate over the entire globe. According to the research, contaminated individuals had distinctive radiographic pictorial features as well as temperature, dried coughs, lethargy, breathlessness, and other symptoms. The chest X-ray (CXR) is among the significant, non-intrusive scientific auxiliary which contributes in detecting certain pictorial biological effects correlated with SARS-COV-2 contagion. Moreover, the scarcity of skilled radiologists in interpretation CXR pictures and the inconspicuous presentation of diseases radiographic patterns continue to be the most significant barriers in conventional diagnostic. We describe an automated COVID screenings (ACoS) method that leverages discriminant level of risk collected from CXR photographs to distinguish between ordinary, suspicious, and COVID-19 contaminated individuals in this investigation. The suggested methodology employs a 2 classifying method (natural versus unnatural and COVID-19 versus lung
disease) utilising a classifying model group of 5 standard supervised classifying methods centered on majority rule. The ACoS system's training, evaluation, and validation were carried out utilizing 2088. CXR pictures (696 normal, 696 pneumonia, and 696 nCOVID-19) and 258 (86 photos from each group) The validation findings for Stage-I (accuracy (ACC) = 98.062 percent, area under curve (AUC) = 0.956) and Stage-II (ACC = 91.329 percent and AUC = 0.831) suggest that the proposed system performs well. Furthermore, the Friedman post-hoc multiple comparisons and z-test statistics show that the ACoS system findings are statistically significant. Finally, the achieved performance is compared to the state-of-the-art approaches currently in use.




How to Cite

Pratibha Sambhakar, Apurv Verma, & Dr. Abhishek Badholia. (2023). Majority Voting -Based Detection And Analysis Of Chest X-Ray Images For COVID-19 And Other Infectious Diseases Using Classifiers. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 4755–4764. Retrieved from


