Adaptation of Reading Attitude Survey with “Garfield “Picture for 1-6th Grade Students to Turkish


  • Mustafa Kocaarslan


Reading Attitude Survey, Validity, Reliability, 1-6th Grade Students


The aim of this study was to adapt Reading Attitude Survey for 1-6th Grade Students developed by McKenna and Kear(1990) into Turkish. The original of the scale is in English and consists of two factors and 20 items. In order to adapt the scale, initially the original scale was translated into Turkish by experts in the field of language arts and translation. Turkish final version of the scale was completed by considering expert opinions. To examine the reliability and validity of the scale, it was administered to 289 1-5th Grade Students attending in Bartın. Confirmatory factor analysis was made for the construct validity. Findings related to construct validity of the scale supports original scale’s two factors structure. In Turkish version of the scale Cronbach alpha internal consistency was calculated as .88. Therefore, it can be concluded that Turkish version of the scale was reliable and valid. Consequently, it can be expressed that Turkish version of the scale was reliable and valid for this study group.




How to Cite

Mustafa Kocaarslan. (2023). Adaptation of Reading Attitude Survey with “Garfield “Picture for 1-6th Grade Students to Turkish. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1217–1233. Retrieved from


