Support Services for Students with Hearing Loss Provided by Special Education and Rehabilitation Centres: Opinions of the Teachers


  • Hasan Gürgür
  • Duygu Büyükköse,
  • Çiğdem Kol


Special education, students with hearing loss, special education and rehabilitation centers, opinions of the teacher


It has been emphasized that hearing impaired students studying at any educational setting would need support services either at schools or outside the schools due to the negative effects of their incompetence. This aim of this study is to analyze teachers’ opinions considering the services provided to hearing impaired students at Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers (SERC) affiliated with the Ministry of National Education (MNE) as part of out-of-school support services. This research has a descriptive design based on
qualitative research studies. Research data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The participants are 6 voluntary teachers for the hearing impaired working in the province of Eskisehir. All data has been analyzed inductively. Analyses have revealed a total of six themes, which are functions, registration and preliminary assessment process, planning and applying the content, successes and benefits, troubles, and suggestions to improve the quality at SERCs. Teachers have noted the following about the functions and success of SERCs: they focus on individual needs, and they are planned and systematic. On the contrary, the troubles
underlined by the participating teachers include reports by GRCs (Guidance and Research Centers), lack of cooperation, the duration of support services, and the content of pre-service programs. As for the suggestions, employing specialists at SERCs, offering practice opportunities to undergraduate students at SERCs, and training teachers on sign language have been set forth to better the quality of SERCs. Based on these findings, it would be wise to take relevant precautions in order to improve both institutional communication channels  at SERCs and ways of communication and cooperation with all shareholders outside the institution. Regarding future research efforts, there is a need for a survey study with a broader scope and based on quantitative data.




How to Cite

Hasan Gürgür, Duygu Büyükköse, & Çiğdem Kol. (2023). Support Services for Students with Hearing Loss Provided by Special Education and Rehabilitation Centres: Opinions of the Teachers. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1234–1253. Retrieved from


