Twitter Data Sentiment Analysis For Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning
Machine Learning; Sentiment Analysis; Stock Market; Naive Bayes classifier, SVMAbstract
Recent outrageous posts on social media have taken the globe by storm and have led to diverse views and views of the general public. Social media plays a significant act for or against a government or a corporation that simply can’t decide the movement of market but to grasp the sentiment of twitter data that are posted on social media with good method could be a supreme necessity. It will analyse some twitter postings to grasp human semantic. In any tweet intended posting there are some downgraded keyword. At last, a data-set is ready that consists of unique words collected from twitter posts or comments and so the data-set is trained using Naive Bayes algorithm supported with applied mathematics to spot the sentiment given during a new call and comment . They are going to extract each word of the posting and so it'll be matched by virtue with the data-set words for dilution. Finally, it will be tested to their algorithm using numerous posts from twitter that can deliver the result with good accuracy.