CFD Analysis of the Oil Pump of a High Performance Motorbike Engine


  • Dharamveer Singh


Engine lubrication, cooling and Vonmises Stress&StrainAnalysis


The pump that is responsible for circulating oil throughout an internal combustion engine is the one that is responsible for providing lubrication to the rotating bearings, sliding cylinder, and cam shaft of the said engine. It is possible to employ fluid bearings with a bigger capacity, which means that they may provide better cooling. In the event that the sump pump is not placed at or close to the sump level, priming would be necessary. In order to access the bottom of the sump, you may use a simple wire-mesh strainer that is inside of a short pick-up pipe. When it comes to dependability and ease of use, mechanical pumps that are powered by crankshaft gear trains are the product of choice. When the crankshaft is spinning at 3,000 revolutions per minute, the pistons are forcefully rising and falling, which causes a great deal of movement in the engine. It is necessary to have a lubricating system that is capable of meeting the requirements of the car in order to eliminate the possibility of your engine melting down. The oil pan and the oil pump are two components of a full-pressure lubrication system that work together to prevent the oil from undergoing this unpleasant transition. Using the oiling system, it is possible to maintain the engine's lubrication in the appropriate manner. Lubrication of the engine is necessary in order to maintain the smooth operation of the moving components and to remove heat from the pistons, bearings, and shafts that the moving parts come into contact with. It's possible that the engine will break down if it isn't properly greased. In order for the engine to function correctly, it is necessary to pump motor oil through the various passages of the engine. When used in an oiling system, a wire mesh strainer is often responsible for removing bigger material from the oil before it is being discharged. In order to lubricate the engine, the flow of the oil pump is responsible for this. As part of this system, pre-lubrication is accomplished by the use of an oil cooler or filter, which eliminates impurities from the oil before it reaches the components of the engine.




How to Cite

Dharamveer Singh. (2021). CFD Analysis of the Oil Pump of a High Performance Motorbike Engine. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 9087–9092. Retrieved from


