Interaction Verbale En Milieu Scolaire-Enseignant/Apprenant : Analyse Des Difficultés De L’oral Selon Une Perspective Discursive, Cas D’élèves Et Enseignants Au Lycée ELARBI Smahi A Berriane, Wilaya De Ghardaïa"


  • SIRADJ Safia , NOUACER-Younes


Our investigation focuses on analyzing the difficulties of oral expression within an implicit network of knowledge and skills. Specifically, we aim to examine communicative competence through the enunciative process during speech acts to identify potential dysfunctions at the root of these difficulties. Our study is based on the hypothesis that these difficulties may arise from verbal interactions in the classroom between teachers and students, both of whom face the same discursive and sociolinguistic conditions. Our central hypothesis posits the existence of communicative challenges for both parties, resulting from a dialogic transmission process where the student models their oral expression on that of the teacher, whether explicitly or implicitly. To verify this hypothesis, we chose to analyze the oral expression of a sample of 3rd-year secondary students and that of their teachers at Lycée ELARBI Smahi in Berriane, Wilaya de Ghardaïa. Our methodological approach combined a qualitative method, based on participant observation in the classroom, and a quantitative method involving a questionnaire addressed to teachers to assess their communicative competences outside the teaching context, thus confirming or refuting the hypothesis of oral difficulties arising from sociolinguistic constraints.




How to Cite

SIRADJ Safia , NOUACER-Younes. (2024). Interaction Verbale En Milieu Scolaire-Enseignant/Apprenant : Analyse Des Difficultés De L’oral Selon Une Perspective Discursive, Cas D’élèves Et Enseignants Au Lycée ELARBI Smahi A Berriane, Wilaya De Ghardaïa". Elementary Education Online, 1–47. Retrieved from


