The Artistic Use Of Humour In Examples Of Abbasid Poetry


  • Dr. Lahbib Ammi , Said Chibane


Humorous poetry can be seen as a form of 'caricature' in which the act of laughter is combined with an element of seriousness. This is achieved by exaggerating and drawing attention to shortcomings in order to convey a message, criticise a particular social phenomenon or shed light on certain vices prevalent in Abbasid society, such as avarice, excessive indulgence and hypocritical piety.

Thus, the significance of the apparent meaning of the humorous style in poetry does not negate the power of the underlying meaning, as irony is one of the most important pillars and components of this style. It is based on the simultaneous presence of a thing and its opposite, which allows the reader a wide range of interpretations. This explains why the humorous scene can overshadow the apparent meaning, while the tragic scene remains hidden in the folds and hidden areas of the poem. This is evident in the texts of certain poets of the Abbasid era, particularly the Makhdin, Ahl al-Tharf and al-Shatir.

The poetry of the early Abbasid period in particular embodies a decisive moment in the history of Arabic poetry. It marks the transformation of popular laughter into the realm of poetry and its orientation within an artistic framework that aims to surprise the recipient, shatter his expectations and preconceptions, and serve as a poetic weapon used by renowned poets against their opponents, far from frivolity and triviality.




How to Cite

Dr. Lahbib Ammi , Said Chibane. (2024). The Artistic Use Of Humour In Examples Of Abbasid Poetry. Elementary Education Online, 48–60. Retrieved from


