Barriers To Inclusive Education In Indian Education System


  • Chittapragada Sri Raja Rajeswari


Inclusive Education denotes that all children irrespective of their strength and weakness will be part of the mainstream education. The feeling belongingness among community members is developed through inclusive education many educational programes attempted to reach out these previously excluded children,but thosewith disabilities are often forgotten in some countries. But the situation changed dramatically with commencement of RPWD (Rights of persons with Disabilities ACT) in 2019 in India where almost all educational programmes attempting to make Inclusive education mandatory. Children from socio-economically disadvantaged groups must be paid more attention through implementing government programmes and policies more strictly and in time. Inclusive education provides opportunity to learnt about and accept individual differences. Lack of proper infrastructure facilities at schools, lack of transport facilities for children from remote places, gender inequality in some places, communal feelings in some communities affecting enrollment and retention of children from disadvantaged groups in schools. Government and other stakeholders has to ensure the access available for planning and budgeting process and ensure that officials at all levels of education have the capacity to implement them.




How to Cite

Chittapragada Sri Raja Rajeswari. (2020). Barriers To Inclusive Education In Indian Education System. Elementary Education Online, 19(1), 1296–1304. Retrieved from


