The Fact Of Electronic Counselling From The Point Of View Of School And Vocational Guidance And Guidance Advisers - An Exploratory Study In The Wilaya Of Eloued
The current study aimed to reveal the reality of electronic counselling, the extent to which it is used in counseling work by school and vocational guidance and guidance counselors, and the obstacles facing its application in the state of El Oued, considering that electronic counseling is a new concept for the modern trend in educational psychological counseling, and has recently received great attention. This is due to the circumstances that the world has gone through and affected it in various areas of life, as well as the fact that traditional guidance within educational institutions has become unavailable, due to physical distancing and the fear of transmission of the epidemic among members of the educational family. In addition, some basic concepts of electronic guidance are presented, and some studies. Arab and foreign precedent that dealt with this topic.