In the Supplements of Heritage Verification (The Introduction as a Sample)


  • Dr. Baya Benmessahel


Returning to heritage in general involves verifying the references and contexts that govern a culture. However, when it comes to Arab culture, this is of great importance because returning to our manuscript heritage remains an imperative and an epistemological necessity that is required by any process that seeks to create a modernity of knowledge in various fields. Manuscript heritage texts - of which manuscripts are a part - remain one of the components of the Arab nation that should be preserved and developed in order to strengthen the present and leap towards the future.  This study is an attempt to capture a picture of the role of investigation supplements such as introduction, indexes, bibliography, citation and appendix, which value the work of the editor and facilitate the use of what is in the published or verified book by quickly obtaining what the researcher requires, making it easy for the researcher to find it, and helping to preserve the existence of the text and its past.      

     This step is of utmost importance when it comes to a topic such as "heritage" for modern and contemporary Arab thought, because our heritage, despite the efforts made - in my opinion - has not been properly utilised, and its essence has not been employed to create the productive energy that enables knowledge to move forward. In addition, our Arab heritage has been subjected to successive disasters and severe adversities that have destroyed many of its treasures and valuables. External invasions and internal seditions have inflicted deep wounds on the body of our manuscript heritage, the effects of which are still visible. The verification of our manuscript heritage has played a major role in collecting these scattered fragments and reviving them, but the verification of these manuscript texts should be carried out on scientific foundations and methodological principles, part of which will be highlighted in this research paper on the introduction of the investigation as part of the honesty of performance in the verification of texts.   




How to Cite

Dr. Baya Benmessahel. (2024). In the Supplements of Heritage Verification (The Introduction as a Sample). Elementary Education Online, 391–404. Retrieved from


