Manifestations Of The Image Of The Arab Other In European Perspectives And Writings


  • Dr. Louiza Houfaf


Imagery, or imageology, is a significant area of inquiry within comparative literature that focuses on the examination of diverse literatures and the exploration of their points of influence and impact. Investigating the literature of another nation necessitates a thorough reading that enables the reader to discern various aspects of life, including the factors that shape it and the surrounding circumstances. This process leads to an understanding of the elements and components of literature itself, as represented and articulated by its writer or author. Ultimately, this culminates in the formation of an image of a foreign society, distinct in language, affiliation, history, and customs, as depicted in a book, collection, or journey. This endeavor aims to elucidate the relationship between the duality of the self and the other, particularly in the context of its two facets: the East and the West. In this research paper, the evaluation of the image is directed from the Western self towards the Eastern other, irrespective of its origins.




How to Cite

Dr. Louiza Houfaf. (2024). Manifestations Of The Image Of The Arab Other In European Perspectives And Writings. Elementary Education Online, 547–556. Retrieved from


