Enhancing Learning Through Educational Stories: Fostering Cognitive, Emotional, And Creative Skills In The Classroom


  • Dr. Abdelkader Nebeg


Teaching using educational stories is an engaging and attractive method that captures students' and extends their attention span. They enable teachers to infuse vitality and activity in their classes. They aid in clarifying and explaining concepts that may be difficult for learners to grasp. Additionally, they serve as a therapeutic approach, stimulating and strengthening the motivation of learners with low drive. Stories ignite their imagination, broaden their horizons, and cultivate their emotional, intellectual, and psychomotor skills. The impact of the narrative approach extends beyond the learner's cognitive and intellectual aspects as they spark creative imagination and writing skills, and fulfil their desire for discovery leading to enhanced communication, expression, writing, and reading abilities.

Keywords: Educational Storytelling, Student Engagement, Cognitive Development, Creativity, Communication Skills.




How to Cite

Dr. Abdelkader Nebeg. (2024). Enhancing Learning Through Educational Stories: Fostering Cognitive, Emotional, And Creative Skills In The Classroom. Elementary Education Online, 37–48. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/8057


