Perceptions Of Teachers Towards Teaching Physical Science In The Secondary Schools Of Vizianagaram District


  • Dr. D.Nagaraja Kumari , Dr. K.V.Ratna Kumari ,Kasi Seshagiri Rao


Science, as an intellectual activity, is a systematic and organized way of acquiring knowledge of the world around us through observation, experimentation and reasoning.   Science education helps individuals to achieve higher mental faculties such as critical thinking, creative thinking, analysis and interpretation.  It is essential for preparing individuals to address the global challenges taking place in the ever changing world.  Teaching Physical Science in secondary schools helps students understand the natural world, including matter, energy and their interactions.  It provides insights into the fundamental principles governing our universe.  The teachers of Physical Science in secondary schools should develop among their students the skills of inquiry, curiosity, creativity, scientific thinking and reasoning.  For this purpose, the teachers should possess right perceptions towards teaching Physical Science for the benefit of their students. The present study is an attempt to explore the perceptions of teachers towards teaching Physical Science at secondary level.  The researchers used a self-developed questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 120 teachers (60 Headmasters and 60 School Assistants in Physical Science) from 60 selected secondary schools located in Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh using Stratified Random Sampling method.  Mean score values, standard deviations and independent t-tests were used for analysis of data. The findings of the study revealed that the demographic variables – gender, age and teaching experience have no influence on the perceptions of teachers towards teaching Physical Science in secondary schools. The study suggested that the teachers should use new strategies and techniques in teaching Physical Science at secondary level in order to develop in their students the skills of enquiry and scientific temper.  The study also suggested that a congenial learning environment is to be created in secondary schools to make Physical Science teaching more meaningful and purposeful.





How to Cite

Dr. D.Nagaraja Kumari , Dr. K.V.Ratna Kumari ,Kasi Seshagiri Rao. (2023). Perceptions Of Teachers Towards Teaching Physical Science In The Secondary Schools Of Vizianagaram District. Elementary Education Online, 22(4), 359–366. Retrieved from


