The Correlation Between Transformational Leadership And Teachers’ Performance In Modern Education


  • Zohra Ghani , Samira Sayah Lembarek


In a technologically-driven society whereby students have become digital natives, educational leaders and policy-makers should strive to support teachers by promoting continuous professional development sessions to provide them with the know-how to face the new requirements of  modern education in a class with mixed abilities. The purpose of the study was to highlight the importance of leading a change as far as teachers’ professional development is concerned and the way they should be supported to upgrade their  knowledge, change classroom practices, and enhance teaching quality to students who come to class  with different interests, needs, and knowledge background. Twenty-first-century education requires that all students regardless of their learning styles, needs and background be fully engaged in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it lies on team leaders to assist teachers to promote teaching and meet twenty-first-century students’ needs. However, any professional development activity conducted by team leaders is ineffective unless it is conducted in consultation with teachers’ proposals. Therefore, team leaders are required to share their vision and goals of any activity prior to scheduling any form of training. With such a type of leadership, the very self of teachers will be transformed since they will be working in a stress-free environment whereby they are valued, and consequently they will endeavour to perform above expectations. It is hoped that the study will provide crucial information about the effect of transformational leadership in enhancing teachers’ performance, engagement and productivity. The study’s findings revealed that with a transformational leadership, employees not only did demonstrate a sense of engagement and commitment towards the school’s goals, but developed a culture of teamwork to enhance the students’ academic achievement.





How to Cite

Zohra Ghani , Samira Sayah Lembarek. (2025). The Correlation Between Transformational Leadership And Teachers’ Performance In Modern Education. Elementary Education Online, 58–75. Retrieved from


