The Dialectic Of Self And Other In The Algerian Novel Abroad: The Works Of Amara Lakhwas As A Model


  • Tlemsani Sarah Sakina


The relationship between the self and the other is a central theme in literature written in exile. This relationship is dialectical; it often reflects a dialogue between two different civilizations and sometimes reveals a cultural clash that results in the non-acceptance of the other. This is evident in the Algerian novel written abroad, particularly through the experience of the novelist Amara lakhwas, who lived in Italy within a hybrid Western society. His works address central issues and raise important questions, such as the scope of a possible cultural dialogue. We have chosen to focus on two of his novels: "How to Suckle the Wolf Without Being Bitten" and "Little Cairo". Our analysis is grounded in postcolonial theory as it relates to marginalized and hybrid spaces




How to Cite

Tlemsani Sarah Sakina. (2025). The Dialectic Of Self And Other In The Algerian Novel Abroad: The Works Of Amara Lakhwas As A Model. Elementary Education Online, 359–366. Retrieved from


