The Emergence Of Asceticism Literature. In Hadith, Wisdom Sayings, Proverbs, And Popular Expressions


  • Abderrahmane Belhenniche


Asceticism is a key aspect of Sufism and one of its most significant fields. Muslims experienced asceticism during a critical period of their lives, when turmoil and conflict prevailed after a time of peace and security during the era of the Prophet Muhammad  and the caliphates of Abu Bakr, Umar, and part of Uthman’s reign. People turned to asceticism as a refuge from worldly distractions, wars, and strife, seeking to focus on what pleases God. Prominent scholars, worshippers, poets, and Sufis like Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib, Al-Hasan al-Basri, Al-Junayd, Rabi'a al-Adawiyya, and Abu al-Atahiyya called for this path. The asceticism is embodied in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, his companions, and their successors. It is also found in the proverbs, wisdom widely spread among the common people, who internalized these teachings and lived by them. These sayings often express a detachment from worldly concerns, contentment with what God has provided, and a spirit of generosity towards others with a sense of peace, contentment and shared it with the others.




How to Cite

Abderrahmane Belhenniche. (2025). The Emergence Of Asceticism Literature. In Hadith, Wisdom Sayings, Proverbs, And Popular Expressions. Elementary Education Online, 386–396. Retrieved from


