Adaptation And Validation Of An Instrument To Measure Information Literacy In Teachers Of Public Technological Institutes Of Higher Education


  • Moisés Daniel Guerra Huamán
  • Rosa Quispe Llamoca
  • Mario Ernesto Piscoya Díaz


Information literacy, information skills, validity, reliability.


The goal of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument to measure information literacy for teachers of Public Technological Institutes of Higher Education (PTIHE) in the city of Lima, Peru. The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and instrumental. The sample consisted of 108 teachers collected from eight different Higher Education Institutes. We worked with seven expert judges in information literacy and in the construction of instruments, most of whom presented a strong association between the scores attributed to the adapted instrument. The results showed that the adapted instrument reported a high degree of reliability with a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.9551 and its construct validity was measured by an orthogonal factor analysis with a meritorious KMO value of 0.8225 under a significance of 0.000 in the Bartlett's sphericity test. It is concluded that the adapted instrument is
valid and reliable to evaluate the level of information literacy in teachers of Public Technological Institutes of Higher Education




How to Cite

Moisés Daniel Guerra Huamán, Rosa Quispe Llamoca, & Mario Ernesto Piscoya Díaz. (2023). Adaptation And Validation Of An Instrument To Measure Information Literacy In Teachers Of Public Technological Institutes Of Higher Education. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 212–230. Retrieved from


