Analysis of the Environmental Problems Pictures of Children from Different Socio-economical Level
environmental education, environmental problems, environmental awarenessAbstract
This study aims at investigating the perceptions of 11-12 year-old children on environmental problems by means of their pictures. 206 children in total from three primary schools located in neighborhoods of different socioeconomic level participated in the study. The participant children were given pastel drawing set and asked to draw pictures related to environmental problems. According to the analysis, it was found that the children focused on more than one environmental issue in their pictures and illustrated the issues in cause and effect relationships. The results also show that violent behavior pollution and deforestation were environmental
issues perceived as the most common by children from low socio-economic level while air-pollution and species extinction were perceived by the high socio-economic level children. The researchers detected that the least common issues mentioned by the participant children were ozone depletion, noise pollution, land pollution and global warming.