“Consumer Perception Towards Digital Banking In Hdfc In Mohali Region”


  • Shweta Chauhan
  • Dr. Shilpa Wadhwa
  • Smitha Kothari Badola
  • Dr. Raj Kumar
  • Kamelsh Chandra Purohit


Consumer perception, Digital banking, Mobile Banking, SPSS


The purpose of this research paper is to know about the awareness and intention of customer towards the use of digital banking and explore various factors and examine degree of association across demographic factors towards the use of digital banking. Descriptive and explorative research design has been used in this study. Sample size of this study is 253 which is collected using Convenience sampling. Data is analyzed using IBM SPSS 20 software. Chisquare and independent sample T Test is used for data analysis and Interpretation. The purpose of this research is to know about awareness and intention of customers towards the use ofdigital Banking  and explore various factors for using digital banking services. As per the descriptive study done it has been concluded that there is degree of association between gender and qualification , qualification and occupation, awareness and intention which means that
people intend to use digital service if they are aware about the services offered by their respective banks. The data has been collected through questionnaire and primary data was collected.




How to Cite

Shweta Chauhan, Dr. Shilpa Wadhwa, Smitha Kothari Badola, Dr. Raj Kumar, & Kamelsh Chandra Purohit. (2023). “Consumer Perception Towards Digital Banking In Hdfc In Mohali Region”. Elementary Education Online, 20(2), 3081–3095. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/2225


