The Adaptation Study of Edmonds Learning Style Identification Exercise into Turkish


  • Mustafa Polat
  • Meral Güven


Learning Style Scales, ELSIE, Scale Adaptation, Foreign Language Education


The aim of this study is to adapt the Edmonds Learning Style Identification Exercise (ELSIE) that was developed by Reinert (1976) into Turkish and to assess the reliability and validity of the scale. The sample group of this study which was conducted using descriptive model consists of 356 undergraduates who are studying at Karabük University School of Foreign Languages. In the context of validity, firstly the scale was translated into Turkish by a group of specialists, and the linguistic equivalence study was proved by comparing the original form and the translated form. According to the result of content validity studies which was conducted by consulting experts, all of the content validity index values were calculated as ≥ 0.80 and seen that the scale has the content validity. After validity studies completed, the internal consistency reliability of the scale was assessed. According to the data gathered from the application of the form that was proved linguistic equivalence, the internal consistency reliability is 0.81. In conclusion, it can be said that the adapted version of ELSIE is a valid and reliable measure which can be used at higher education institutions in Turkey.




How to Cite

Mustafa Polat, & Meral Güven. (2023). The Adaptation Study of Edmonds Learning Style Identification Exercise into Turkish. Elementary Education Online, 16(2), 848–859. Retrieved from


