Child Marriage: Challenges & Issues in Policy Making and Implementation in Pakistan


  • Beenish Ambereen
  • Latafat Aziz
  • Asim Muneeb Khan
  • Tayyaba Zulfiqar
  • Dr. Zaheer Abbas


Child, Marriages, Laws, Traditions


Child marriage is a human rights violation that jeopardizes health and growth, limits opportunities for empowerment, disrupts education and social development, and increases the chances of exposure to abuse and violence. This study was designed to know about the challenges and issues in policy making and the implementation process regarding child marriages in Pakistan. The study was purely qualitative in nature and the data was obtained through in-depth interviews from 14 respondents selected through purposive sampling technique. The findings of the research study demonstrate that regardless of being signatory to the international convention, the rate of child marriages in Pakistan is still high and prevalent factors relate to religion, traditional customs, gender norms, family practices, level of education, poverty, local laws, and patriarchy. Sometimes interfamily and tribe conflicts are resolved on mutual agreement and this agreement involves payment of money, debt settlement or transfer of daughters which might be child at the time of resolution of conflict. The policy makers and implementers face these factors as the main hurdles in implantation of laws regarding child marriage. Besides legislation, this practice can be protected by strong awareness campaign which includes educating the people specially Nikah-khuwan, communicating people about its health hazards, and psychological issues. Further by ensuring that state laws should not be over ruled against local custom or tribal laws. The study also suggests that awareness and monitoring about child marriages is the need of the day.




How to Cite

Beenish Ambereen, Latafat Aziz, Asim Muneeb Khan, Tayyaba Zulfiqar, & Dr. Zaheer Abbas. (2023). Child Marriage: Challenges & Issues in Policy Making and Implementation in Pakistan. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 433–439. Retrieved from




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