Views of Social Studies Teachers About the Cultural Heritage Education


  • Merve Avcı
  • Hatice Memişoğlu


Social Studies, Cultural Heritage Education, Teacher


This study aimed to evaluate the views of Social Studies teachers about the cultural heritage
education and to what extent they are involved in the Social Studies lesson. Descriptive analysis was used
in this study that was conducted with the qualitative research method. The study was conducted at 15
secondary schools in Ankara during 2013-2014 school year. It revealed the views of 34 Social Studies
teachers. As a result of the study, the teachers were observed to have attached importance to the subject
of cultural heritage and it was concluded that it would be important to involve it in the Social Studies
lesson. According to the views of teachers it was concluded that the subjects and education of cultural
heritage were not sufficiently involved in the Social Studies program and that it would be more efficient to
make arrangements and enrichments especially in the program in order to teach the subjects of cultural
heritage more efficiently.




How to Cite

Merve Avcı, & Hatice Memişoğlu. (2023). Views of Social Studies Teachers About the Cultural Heritage Education. Elementary Education Online, 15(1), 104–124. Retrieved from


