The Effect of Student and Class Characteristics on Mathematics Literacy and Problem Solving in PISA 2003
PISA 2003, mathematics literacy, problem solving, structural equation modeling, Turkey, Greece, FinlandAbstract
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a research study which is constructed over 15-year-old students’ knowledge and abilities in every 3-year-period. In this present study, the factors related with student, family and class, which effect students’ mathematical literacy and problem solving abilities, were investigated by using PISA 2003 data of Turkey, Finland and Greece and compared by constructing structural equation models for each country. Analysis of PISA data inform us about our students’ achievement levels and help us to evaluate our education system. Investigating this situation, determining the factors affecting achievement, making comparisons with other countries is important. In this study, exploratory factor analysis was carried out by using the variables in PISA 2003 student questionnaire data and then confirmatory factor analysis was made by using LISREL 8.54. Structural equation models were constructed with the latent variables determined according to these results. .