The Palestinian Question In The Newspapers Of Abi Al-Yaqthan: An Analytical Study Of A Sample From The Newspaper "El-Ouma " (1933-1938)


  • Dr. BABAOUAMER Abderrahmane


Our study aims to highlight the extent of the rootedness of the Palestinian issue in the Algerian context in its various aspects, starting from the diplomatic contributions and the declaration of the Palestinian state from Algerian territory, as well as the repeated demands for its recognition in international forums. It also examines the popular and civil society perspectives, as well as the media aspect, which is the focus of our study. The Algerian media's coverage of the Palestinian issue is not a recent phenomenon, as it has been in the media of many countries since 7 October, but dates back to a long time ago, reaching the colonial period through the press of the national movement. One of the most important headlines that gained prominence during this period was the newspaper "EL-ouma " by the journalist Abi Al-Yaqthan, whose content we have studied through an analytical study of twenty (20) issues from October 1936 to January 1937. The study is based on content analysis, and it concludes that the newspaper "EL-Ouma " attached great importance to the Palestinian issue, especially during important events concerning the relationship between the Palestinians and the Zionists, their relationship with the European mandates, as well as the involvement of Arab kings and princes in supporting the issue.




How to Cite

Dr. BABAOUAMER Abderrahmane. (2024). The Palestinian Question In The Newspapers Of Abi Al-Yaqthan: An Analytical Study Of A Sample From The Newspaper "El-Ouma " (1933-1938). Elementary Education Online, 86–100. Retrieved from


