Turkish Adaptation of the Connected Classroom Climate Inventory (CCCI)
Classroom climate, Connected Classroom Climate Inventory, adaptation, validity, reliabilityAbstract
In this study, the Connected Classroom Climate Inventory (CCCI) was adapted into Turkish and its
psychometric properties within high school sample were examined. In adaptation of the CCCI to Turkish,
translation, language equivalence, validity, and reliability studies were conducted. In language equivalence study,
a high positive correlation was determined between the original and target inventory total scores. The results of
exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the inventory had a one-factor structure. In concurrent
validity study, moderate positive correlations between the CCCI and Safe Learning Environment and Positive Peer
Interaction subscale of School Climate Scale, Students subscale of the Quality of Life In High Schools Scale, and
Attachment to Friends subscale of School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents were found. Test-retest
reliability was calculated as .83; Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was determined as .93. Turkish adaptation study of
the CCCI that assesses classroom climate in terms of student-to-student connectedness provided evidence for
validity and reliability.