A Pic 18f458 Study On Electrical Data Monitoring, Management,And Reactive Power Compensation


  • Sandeep Sunori
  • Parvesh Saini


PIC, Hardware, Power factor, electricity, fixed loads


The voltage stability of the ac system has become a significant source of concern in recent decades because to the dramatic increase in electronic devices, power systems, and highvoltage electrical systems. The bulk of industrial and commercial systems across the
country have large, multiple-inductive electrical loads, which causes a low power factor and heavy penalties from the electricity board for customers. PFC is in charge of this. Fixed loadsonly operated with manually by switching capacitors, but when dealing with
distributed loads that fluctuate rapidly. In order to change the load by manually seems to be more struggle to reach the high level. To circumvent this issue, an APFC panel is utilised. The PIC microcontroller used in this study measures power factor from the load
and activates the required capacitors.




How to Cite

Sandeep Sunori, & Parvesh Saini. (2021). A Pic 18f458 Study On Electrical Data Monitoring, Management,And Reactive Power Compensation. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 7620–7627. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/616


